
Make Magento Error Debugging Easy with Airbrake

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Magento Error & Performance Monitoring

How to install Airbrake to capture Magento errors

Installing Airbrake in your Magento app takes no more than 3 minutes:

  1. Create an Airbrake account
  2. With Modman:

modman init
git clone .modman/CodebaseExceptions
modman deploy CodebaseExceptions --force

Frictionless error monitoring for Magento

When something in your application breaks and starts impacting your customers, it's your job to find the error that's causing the issue. Spending massive amounts of time sifting through log files holds no appeal, but what else can you do? That's where Airbrake Magento Error Monitoring comes in.

With Airbrake Magento Error Monitoring and Debugging, your applications are silently monitored 24 hours/day, 7 days/week so that you can be alerted to new problems affecting your users. Airbrake provides general information about your Magento app performance, as well as detailed stack traces to let you drill down and catch troublesome errors. Airbrake can pinpoint which line of code broke, the deployment that it’s tied to, and the environment in which the error occurred.

Key features of Airbrake Magento Error Monitoring and Reporting include:

Deploy tracking - see the impact of deploys on error volume and types
  • Who deployed what and where? Airbrake Deploy tracking can tell you right down to the time a deployment occurred.
  • Airbrake Deploy tracking not only tracks deployments but any errors associated with a deployment.
  • Deploy tracking will also tell you which deployments fixed errors.
  • Filter errors by deployment to quickly find Magento occurrences.
Backtrace, parameters, and other contextual info - all of which let you dig deeper
  • Find where an error occurred right down to the line of code using the Airbrake backtrace tool.
  • Parameters allow you to filter and search for errors easily within your project.
  • Click on an error and have access to aggregations which provide further insight into who was affected by it.
Security and SAML - Airbrake works hard to keep your data secure
  • Airbrake is certified in all of the following: GDPR, EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, and SOC II Type 2.
  • We provide data encryption both at rest and in transit.
  • Airbrake supports TLS Protocol v. 1.2 and v. 1.3.
  • With Single-Sign-On, it’s easy for you and your team to access your Airbrake account.
Additional features included with an Airbrake account
  • Unlimited languages and projects.
  • Unlimited users.
  • Unlimited integrations including Slack, GitHub, Trello, etc.
  • On-Demand Errors available.
  • Several dashboards included with your Airbrake Account to provide exceptional insights into your code.

Airbrake installs in your Magento application in less than three minutes so that you can quickly receive the info you need to identify, assess, and resolve errors. Let your engineers get back to the business of writing great code with Airbrake Magento. Airbrake also offers a mobile-optimized web app, where you can monitor new errors anytime, from anywhere, with just your phone. Ready to try Airbrake Magento Error Monitoring? Sign up for a free trial.

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This will make the text pink in colour with the font, Inconsolata.
This is the h6 heading.
This will make the text black in colour with the font, Inconsolata; size 20px.
This will make the text yellow in colour with the font, Inconsolata; size 20px.
  • Blazing fast, real-time errors alerts
  • Lightweight notifier installs quickly and won't impact your app performance
  • Receive error notifications via email, Slack, or webhooks
  • Fast error search and filtering within your Airbrake dashboard
  • Advanced data security like SAML Single Sign-On - included with all Airbrake plans
  • Integrates with GitHub, Trello, Slack, JIRA, Pivotal Tracker, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, GitLab CE/EE, Bitbucket, custom webhooks, and other 3rd party apps
  • Dupe error detection
  • Customizable error filtering
  • Unlimited users and projects
  • Comprehensive read & write API
  • Deploy tracking to monitor code quality
  • Performance insight about your total app health including your code, production environment, and the user experience.