
Identify and fix Golang errors with Airbrake

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Golang Error & Performance Monitoring

Supported Frameworks

You can use Airbrake Error Monitoring right out of the box with the following Golang frameworks: 

How to install Airbrake to capture Go errors

Create an Airbrake account and then choose one of these three very easy ways to send Go errors to Airbrake:

Get Started With the Airbrake CLI

With the Airbrake CLI, you’ll be able to add the Gobrake notifier to your Go project from the terminal, as well as send custom errors directly to Airbrake. Installation is simple for both Mac and Linux users. For a complete how-to, head on over the CLI docs page.

Don't want to use the Airbrake CLI? Continue reading to learn how to manually install Airbrake to capture Go errors.

Capture Go errors with Gobrake

Sending Go errors to Airbrake is incredibly simple using our gobrake library. First, go get the library to install in an existing project:

go get github.com/airbrake/gobrake/v5

Or, to install in a new project:

mkdir airbrake_example && cd airbrake_examplego mod 
init airbrake_examplego 
get github.com/airbrake/gobrake/v5

//Initialize and use gobrake with your account credentials:
var airbrake = gobrake.NewNotifierWithOptions(&gobrake.NotifierOptions
{	ProjectId: 123,	ProjectKey: "abcdefgh12345678",	Environment: "production",
})airbrake.Notify(errors.New("Hello Airbrake!"), nil)// Or the familiar 
Go pattern.if err != nil {	airbrake.Notify(err)}

Capture Go errors with Glog

Use our glog fork to seamlessly integrate Airbrake error reporting into your application's logging:

glog.Errorf("Hello Airbrake!")// Or the familiar 
Go pattern.if err != nil {  glog.Errorf("Something broke: %s", err)}

What's happening in your Go apps?

Your Golang application is up and running but, unfortunately, your customers are coming across errors. The faster you identify and fix these errors, the sooner you can get back to satisfying your users. That’s where Airbrake comes in. Airbrake installs in minutes, making Golang error monitoring and reporting easy, effective — and virtually immediate.

Detailed stack traces, as well as environment and user reports, make Go error debugging simple. Real-time error notifications and instant insight into the line of code that broke, the environment in which it occurred, and the deployment it's tied to means you'll never need to sift through massive log files on the hunt for an error again.

Drilling down and understanding what's breaking your code in your Go application is easy with Airbrake, which provides:

Detailed information to identify and assess errors
  • As soon as you log in, you’ll be taken to an account overview so you can see exactly how well your applications are doing
  • Discover information about each deployment, including who pushed it, when it went live, and any errors associated with it
  • Keep an eye on files prone to errors via Airbrake’s Hotspots feature
  • Use severity tags to prioritize which errors should be fixed first
  • Stack traces allow you to easily find and fix errors in a timely manner
Several dashboards that display error trends
  • Obtain at-a-glance information about your application with dashboards depicting trends associated with errors, deploys, performance, and so much more.
  • Dashboards break down dense information into bite-sized chunks that you and your team can work with to quickly fix bugs
  • Visually see the state of your application and how errors may be impacting it  
Popular integrations and other tools for collaboration
  • Use popular integrations such as Slack, Github and even Webhooks
  • Set up real-time alerts so you’re never surprised by another error again
  • Leave notes for your team using the comment feature within the Airbrake App
Go performance monitoring built with developers in mind
  • Monitor the UX of your Go application via the Airbrake Apdex Score tool
  • Know when users come across any latency issues with requests and response times data
  • Go performanc emonitoring provides detailed route information
  • See which jobs are working and which ones need to be improved

With Airbrake for Go, finding the root cause of your application’s error is easier than ever. We help you locate the error’s file, the method, and even the line of code impacting your application. And our proprietary and customizable grouping algorithms cut through the noise so you can focus on fixing the errors that matter most. Stop assuming your customer experience is okay. Know it is, with Airbrake Go.

Try Airbrake Golang Error Monitoring for free, risk-free, trial!

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This will make the text pink in colour with the font, Inconsolata.
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  • Blazing fast, real-time errors alerts
  • Lightweight notifier installs quickly and won't impact your app performance
  • Receive error notifications via email, Slack, or webhooks
  • Fast error search and filtering within your Airbrake dashboard
  • Advanced data security like SAML Single Sign-On - included with all Airbrake plans
  • Integrates with GitHub, Trello, Slack, JIRA, Pivotal Tracker, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, GitLab CE/EE, Bitbucket, custom webhooks, and other 3rd party apps
  • Dupe error detection
  • Customizable error filtering
  • Unlimited users and projects
  • Comprehensive read & write API
  • Deploy tracking to monitor code quality
  • Performance insight about your total app health including your code, production environment, and the user experience.